A mobile wildlife rehabilitation system comprised of a rehabilitation trailer, a husbandry trailer, a supply trailer and 10 dozen propane fired bird scare cannons. The system is capable of being rapidly positioned in a wildlife-impacted location in order to provide logistical support to wildlife recovery and rehabilitation specialists as listed in the member companies Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP). The self-sustainable system provides 4/4-stage wash tables and 2/2-stage rinse tables.
The wildlife equipment is easily mobile to be moved to any area of impact along the gulf coast. CGA personnel will be assigned to assist in the set up of the trailers, the support equipment, and the wash/rinse tables.
They will then remained assigned to provide logistical support and to ensure the proper water temperatures are maintained, the needed PPE is available, and also work to support the entire wildlife rehabilitation operation. Bird scare cannons (propane fired) are also available to be placed in the field to provide bird hazing in the attempt to deter birds from entering an oil-impacted area.