CGA has created a network of professional oil spill response service providers to work hand-in-hand with CGA employees during a response. The Preferred Response Organizations (PROs) program requires each company to meet specific criteria as it relates to safety and training.

The CGA dedicated personnel also provide training to other oil spill response organizations in order to maintain a highly professional and capable primary and surge workforce. If you would like to apply to become a PROs member, complete the contract and follow the check list below to submit the required documents along with the signed contract. You can contact the CGA Training and Compliance department for more information and to submit the documentation.

PROs Contractor Quick Reference Check List

  • Copy of GL Certificate of Liability Insurance naming CGA Services as insured should be emailed to
  • Medical Surveillance Program
  • Drug & Alcohol Testing Program
  • Hands on Training with CGA Equipment
  • Copy of Valid Company Rate Sheet

Personnel Requirements

  • 40 hour Hazwoper trained with annual re-fresher
  • Medically Qualified to wear a respirator and fit tested on specific respirator
  • PPE -Safety shoes, respirator with spare cartridges, hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, PFD, appropriate work clothes

Highly Recommended for Personnel

  • Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)
  • SafeGulf Certification
  • Water Survival



CGA Preferred Response Organizations (PROs) Overview – video