

Several features set us apart, including a unique professional focus on exploration on production in the Gulf of Mexico.

April 07
In March 2018, CGAS sent Curtis Bruce, Leeville Site Supervisor and Rob Cannon, CGAS Training Coordinator, to OSRL for 5 days to attend their On-Scene Commander IMO Level 2 Course.  Working with other supervisors and managers from across the Caribbean, they honed their skills on the Incident Command System, oil spill response strategies, and various oil spill recovery techniques including mechanical recovery, insitu burning and dispersants.  Additionally,  they conducted 2 days of hands on boom/skimmer deployment. The interaction with attendees from other countries brought a particularly global flavor to the training.  This type of outreach training is important in helping oil spill response cooperatives such as CGA learn about capabilities outside of our own equipment inventory as well as to glean best practices employed.  CGA & OSRL look forward to continued reciprocal training in the future.